I have been meaning to replace the default artwork that comes with the Razer Panthera Evo arcade stick. I spent a lot of time researching multiple sources to learn how and I have consolidated everything I learned into a single article below. 1. Download the photoshop template for your arcade stick from Focus Attack https://support.focusattack.com/hc/en-us/articles/207447753-Control-Panel-Templates 2. Open the template .psd in Photoshop. 3. The first thing you will see is the Instruction layer. If you want to use Focus Arcade's custom printing service read more about it here: https://support.focusattack.com/hc/en-us/sections/201695273-Artwork-Printing In this HOWTO we will be using a local print shop so we can ignore the instructions. Delete the Instructions layer doing the following: a) Click on the "INSTRUCTIONS" layer. b) Click on the Lock icon above the layer which will remove the lock. c) Now that the layer is unlocked, right click "IN...