As the price of Ethereum has been risen significantly recently (Jan 2021) more people are becoming interested in Ethereum mining. There are other crypto currencies that can be mined, but at the time of this writing, Ethereum is by far the most profitable. The only real requirement is a modern, AMD or Nvidia video card with more then 4GB of video ram. Here are the steps to start mining Ethereum. 1. Create a Ethereum Wallet. The first step is to setup a Ethereum wallet to store your Ethereum coins. There are a number of choices available. You can setup a software or hardware wallet you would save locally. Alternatively you can store your crypto on a cryptocurrency exchange or mining pool. There have been a few cryptocurrency exchanges and mining pools that have shut down (usually because of fraud or theft) so there is always some risk in storing coins on exchanges and pools. One of the safest method is to use a hardware wallet which reduces the risk of theft and hacking becau...
I have been meaning to replace the default artwork that comes with the Razer Panthera Evo arcade stick. I spent a lot of time researching multiple sources to learn how and I have consolidated everything I learned into a single article below. 1. Download the photoshop template for your arcade stick from Focus Attack 2. Open the template .psd in Photoshop. 3. The first thing you will see is the Instruction layer. If you want to use Focus Arcade's custom printing service read more about it here: In this HOWTO we will be using a local print shop so we can ignore the instructions. Delete the Instructions layer doing the following: a) Click on the "INSTRUCTIONS" layer. b) Click on the Lock icon above the layer which will remove the lock. c) Now that the layer is unlocked, right click "IN...